Noughts and Crosses – a first VB Visual Studio Project is designed as a first opportunity to code a Microsoft Visual Studio project from start to finish having finished a course of study learning Visual Basic, either through classes, self-study or following a tutorial.

Presented in a series of thirteen steps, the learner is guided through the whole process, from interface design to adding functionality through coding, to produce a noughts and crosses (tic tac toe) game. Towards the end of developing the game, a little twist is added which gives the opportunity to code a practical use of a Circular Queue.

Each step in the development process is supported by a fully commented coded example of a possible solution to prevent learners from hitting an insurmountable roadblock.

Noughts and Crosses – a first VB Visual Studio Project is offered as two versions:


In this version, the learner builds the interface using Visual Studio's built-in Form Designer. This method offers the opportunity to develop the front end quickly and simply at the expense of some inefficiency in coding the functionality behind the controls. The supplied example solutions use this approach.


In this version, the learner builds the interface by writing code. This method offers the opportunity to see how, by using constants and placing controls mathematically relative to each other, ongoing maintenance and development of the solution can be simplified. It also shows how control arrays can be created and how to write efficient code by using a single handler to action the same event for all the controls within an array or of the same type on the form. The supplied example solutions use this approach.


Both versions offer an ideal gateway to developing the skills necessary to create one's own, unique solutions to coding problems rather than following someone else's style as in a tutorial. They also make an ideal jump-off point to using our File Handling Visual Studio project, which provides a one-stop guide to adding loading and saving functionality to an application.

Windows only.

Form Designer Version: £20.00:

Purchase Form Designer Version in the GBCMS Online Store

Coded Front End Version: £20.00:

Purchase Coded Front End Version in the GBCMS Online Store

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