This macro-enabled spreadsheet is designed to demonstrate the ability to convert from Decimal to Floating Point Binary as used in Computing, and vice-versa.
There are two worksheets, one with questions converting from Decimal to Floating Point Binary, and one with questions converting from Floating Point Binary to Decimal.
The size of the Mantissa can be varied between 4 and 8 bits in size, and the Exponent can be either 3 or 4 bits in size. This both changes the question difficulty and also gives learners an opportunity to appreciate how altering the sizes of the Mantissa and Exponent affect the range of values which can be stored and the accuracy with which they can be represented.
With the Binary Exponent, both types of question use the convention with negative Binary numbers whereby if only the Sign Bit is a 1, it represents both sign and magnitude. For example, with a signed 4 bit Binary number, 1000 represents -8 in Decimal.
Each worksheet generates five questions every time the 'Generate Questions' button is clicked. Once the learners have completed a question, clicking the associated 'Mark It' button reveals whether their answer are right or wrong, and the steps required to complete the question successful, namely:
Decimal to Floating Point Binary:
Floating Point Binary to Decimal:
Changing an answer removes the marking until the button is clicked again.
This worksheet is designed to be used after completing our 'Guided Floating Point Binary Conversion questions' worksheet.
NOTE: for this spreadsheet to work correctly, the copy of Excel in which it is running must allow macros to execute, and 'Enable Content' must be clicked when the spreadsheet is opened.